
Author Topic: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~  (Read 109906 times)

Online Braceface2015

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #45 on: 31. December 2020, 10:52:25 AM »
I have been collecting stories since the days of dial-up internet. I have quite a few stories that I haven't added yet simply because they need a lot of work to get them into readable shape.

It takes a lot of work to update them, which I am happy to do.

Recently I have been asked for access to my collection by people who not been participating in the forum. Since I have many of the stories from the forum in my collection, I do ask that people show some form of willingness to participate. I always encourage people to try writing, as it is a good way to get enough posts to gain access to the stories section.

There are other ways to get posts such as posting links to pictures and videos. If people are trying to get around the minimum post requirement by asking me for access to my collection, it doesn't work that way. I have to see some form of meaningful participation.

To all the people who are writing stories, thank you for your contribution to making this a better place. Just because you gain access to the stories section does not mean that you should stop writing. Most of the stories in there have been written by people after they have been granted access. Writers like Sparky, m1090y, Duncombec, JonJon and the numerous others that continue to write stories are who make the stories section what it is.

There is an active German language section with some good writers as well. A few have added stories that they have translated into English, which I am very thankful for, as I know how much effort it takes.

I am always willing to help a writer by proofreading their story and making suggestions on what changes I feel should be made. It may take me a few days before I have the time, but I will do my best to get it done.

Online Braceface2015

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #46 on: 22. April 2021, 02:50:56 AM »
It is important that we acknowledge the work that writers put into writing their stories for us to read. Even just saying that we have read a chapter is helpful and commenting on something that you liked is even better. Sometimes a writer just needs to hear that other people are taking the time to say something about their story to continue working on adding to it.

There are a lot of good stories that have been started and then left unfinished because people didn't say anything. To everyone who has worked on and is working on a story or has left one unfinished, I personally appreciate the effort that you have put into your story and encourage you to keep working on it.

Offline AlexwithBraces

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #47 on: 22. April 2021, 13:54:11 PM »
It is important that we acknowledge the work that writers put into writing their stories for us to read. Even just saying that we have read a chapter is helpful and commenting on something that you liked is even better. Sometimes a writer just needs to hear that other people are taking the time to say something about their story to continue working on adding to it.

There are a lot of good stories that have been started and then left unfinished because people didn't say anything. To everyone who has worked on and is working on a story or has left one unfinished, I personally appreciate the effort that you have put into your story and encourage you to keep working on it.

That's good to know, especially since it's probably so rare compared to the amount of views. Of someone had wanted to publish their own experience is their a preferred format or method to use?

Offline Sparky

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #48 on: 24. April 2021, 17:57:48 PM »
It is important that we acknowledge the work that writers put into writing their stories for us to read. Even just saying that we have read a chapter is helpful and commenting on something that you liked is even better. Sometimes a writer just needs to hear that other people are taking the time to say something about their story to continue working on adding to it.

There are a lot of good stories that have been started and then left unfinished because people didn't say anything. To everyone who has worked on and is working on a story or has left one unfinished, I personally appreciate the effort that you have put into your story and encourage you to keep working on it.

Absolutely well said!

As an writer, it really does make you feel quite negative when you've spent time trying to write something which you hope that others actually enjoy, to get no feedback.  Yes, I've had more than a couple of stories that just got left because of a complete lack of feedback... (for example, "Nanites": the unfortunate thing for you readers is that story was going to turn into something with some quite severe braces, to fix the major problems caused by the nanites going wrong!).

If we compare longer braces stories with maybe longer sex stories: the characters are NOT going to be having sex in EVERY chapter, and so it is with braces stories, so please do try to remember that. Sometimes a non-braces chapter is just fun in its own right, sometimes it's there as a set-up for something later on (and I can promise that in my current story, that will happen more than once!). There are MANY unwritten chapters for many of my stories, that never got written simply because they were "normal bits of story", without braces. I could have written another 20 or 30 chapters for "Jennifer loves singing"... They would have been fun to write, hopefully interesting to read, but wouldn't have contained anything about braces!!!!! Well, maybe I would have had Jennifer wearing her headgear boldly in public!

So, yes, even something simple like "keep it going" is enough to let us writers know that we're vaguely getting it right!

Online silver-moon-2000

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #49 on: 25. April 2021, 11:04:49 AM »
Caution: long rambling ahead!

Absolutely well said!
It hit home, yes.
I feel a bit conflicted writing this post. After all, I am one of those, who consume with rapture basically everything that is written, but fail to give a little token of appreciation back.

As I fancy myself a part-time writer, I want to try and offer my point-of-view from both sides.

I do know and understand the importance of being earnest giving and receiving feedback. Without it, the author doesn't know - can't know - what is going on.
The viewcount may give a rough indication, whether a particular story is well received or not. But that counter does not give any vital information, because it is just that: The number of accesses of that story.
Therein is not contained, whether the people opening that page actually read the story, whether they enjoyed it or if it is not their cup-of-tea. Do they want to continue reading or could this story - for all the reader cares - just dwindle away? No one knows if there is no feedback.

This can be quite discouraging. I imagine that this holds true especially for new writers, who might proudly venture out with their first creation and could end up feeling quashed and dismissed.
Seasoned writers in this forum may know what to expect and may even have come to terms with this a bit. But it doesn't make it much easier, I guess.

So, yes, even something simple like "keep it going" is enough to let us writers know that we're vaguely getting it right!

As sparky said, any kind of interaction is important; if you're happy with the way the story develops, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a simple "nice story. please continue"
But if you feel that there is something wrong or out of place; if you cannot enjoy the story for whatever reason: To take your time and shoot the author a short note is tremendously appreciated.

I know and I understand that, and yet - as a reader - I am silent. Why? Of course, I can only speak for myself! It is a really strange feeling that I cannot put into words easily. So I may very well be misunderstood!

Firstly: It takes time. It takes some seconds to click the "Antwort/reply" button, type in some words and send it off. Yes, I understand this not to be a good reason at all. But this is the reason that most often keeps me from answering. Especially when combined with:

Secondly: Please do understand, that this is written from my standpoint as a reader, not as an author!
To me, a simple "nice story, please continue" is incredibly hollow.
Indeed, it is almost cynical in it's shortness. Depending on their writing speed, the author may have spend an hour to several days per chapter and has written hundreds upon hundreds of words. And I am in awe of that. I definitely am!
And yet, here I am, with a half-arsed 4-word sentence as a reply... You cannot really expect me to send this off as encouragement, can you? I can almost see the author rolling their eyes and muttering "Thanks for nothing!"

Instead, I would like to give an in-depth review of what I just have read, of what I liked and what I didn't. But this would take more time than I am able / willing to spend.
And so I do not answer at all but hope that the "the next reader" will "have pity" with the author.

Please note, that the next thought is a backhanded, sort-of twisted argument, that could very fast be understood wrongly.
Isn't it like that?: The author publishes their story because they think highly of their own creation, right? They like what they have written, dont they? After all, no one would publish a shoddy story, right?
So it must be a good story! And because it is a good story, every author will know that their creation is well received. Because every good story is well received!

Me - as a reader - not replying anything, doesn't change that fact. A good story will stay a good story. Even if the writer is the only one to post in their thread, they shouldn't get discouraged to begin with.
After all: A good story won't become a bad one by not having any replies. They should take pride in their creation and continue posting until the end is reached.

The author should just assume that every reader enjoyed the read and just didn't feel like "voicing the obvious"!

As a writer I look back to the things I just have written down from my standpoint as a reader. And I feel like shaking my head in dismay ::)

[...] couple of stories that just got left because of a complete lack of feedback... (for example, "Nanites": [...]

And here I am, wondering about the lack of updates  >:D
If I promise from here on out to interact more with you content-creators, would you consider restarting "Nanites"?

Offline Sparky

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #50 on: 25. April 2021, 13:51:04 PM »

< [...] couple of stories that just got left because of a complete lack of feedback... (for example, "Nanites": [...] >

And here I am, wondering about the lack of updates  >:D
If I promise from here on out to interact more with you content-creators, would you consider restarting "Nanites"?

silver-moon-2000: thank you for taking the time to write that feedback, makes a lot of sense!

When I finish a story (warning: might be a while before the current story gets finished!), I take a look at other things to write about. When I do that, I'll look back at my older stories, and see which might be worthy of continuing.... I'll make sure that "Nanites" is on that list!

Online Braceface2015

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #51 on: 25. April 2021, 20:38:00 PM »
I agree with most of what silver-moon said. As a reader, many times I don't take the time to comment on a story simply because I don't have the time or don't feel like taking the time to write a detailed comment. Many times I feel that a story deserves more than just a "good story".

I often look forward to each new chapter of a story being posted and am disappointed when I don't see one. Then a new chapter appears and I eagerly read it.

Other times it is more a matter of feeling that I have commented on each new chapter and that I am overdoing the comments.

As a writer, I write stories for myself to read and post them so that other people can enjoy them too. When I get a nice comment, it makes the effort seem worthwhile and gives me the motivation to continue posting more of the story. Even a simple "good story" or "well done" is greatly appreciated. If I am having a bad day and I get a simple response to one of my stories, it can brighten my whole day.

I have the largest collection of braces stories on the internet and I share them with other people who like braces stories. I have offered to help other writers by proofreading their stories and I have enjoyed having a few writers send me their stories to check. Every so often someone will mention that I have the collection or they will say "thank you" for the work that I have put into creating TheArchive. It brings my mood up each time.

Simply put, any comment is good, even if it is just to say "good job" or give a thumb up.

Offline MikeB

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #52 on: 26. April 2021, 18:29:39 PM »
Honestly, this is half the reason I quit writing, or producing any braces content anymore (vids or images, too). And of course my fiction stories are pretty racy and violate most of the forum rules!  >:D

But yeah, most people just want to consume without ever contributing so much as a thank you, so they can go without my (admittedly pretty meager) efforts.

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #53 on: 12. May 2021, 06:53:00 AM »
I am totally guilty of consuming without contributing as well. It's something I want to get better about when it comes to stories and concepts I like. And while I havent written any stories in general, let alone about braces, it is something I want to do, but only once I get an idea that truly inspires me.

Offline ksmooth

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #54 on: 16. July 2021, 02:56:16 AM »
Really good discussion in this thread.

I've been enjoying ortho fiction since the late 90s at some of the OG story sites.  I even wrote some stories back then and I enjoyed doing it.  But some of my favorite sites started to die out and disappear.  I didn't have much time to search for new stories.  I would find a handful at a time but they were all static sites, no new fiction being created.  I sort of lost a spark for reading ortho fiction.

I found this place in 2018 which I'd seen before but never bothered registering.  No real reason.  I registered thinking that I needed to register to get "access" to the stories, but then read Marty's OP and was bummed out.  The way I interpreted his post, I felt like simply giving a little feedback on new stories would be considered "spamming".  I then looked at the huge collection of videos and pictures and thought, "there's no way I can find something that's new. They already have everything".  I pretty much gave up because it seemed overwhelming.

In recent months, I've returned and have really enjoyed getting back to reading the stories that are available in the general section.  They've relit the spark.  Also reading @Braceface2015's post about encouragement has made me feel like simple feedback is absolutely welcomed.  Getting 30 posts doesn't seem impossible anymore.

The 30 post limit is a brilliant idea.  Although it can be off-putting at first, it's the lifeblood to the creativity of the site.

It's hard to write these stories because they deal with personal feelings.  It takes courage to put yourself out there.  Likewise, healthy discussion can grant a new writer the courage to share their own thoughts.

Thanks to all the contributors!

Offline m1090y

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #55 on: 25. January 2022, 09:52:47 AM »
Just over a year ago I had posted a multi-chapter story all in one shot, as a test to see how it went over:
Seeing Her Through The Eyes of a Dog:
I only got one post with feedback regarding posting it all in one shot and no comments on the story itself.  I've always been curious if posting a multi-chapter story all in one shot causes some people to find they don't have time to read it all and then forget to come back to it.  Ever since posting this one, I have always posted stories a chapter a day.  I'm just rather curious if I came to the correct conclusion.

Online Braceface2015

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #56 on: 25. January 2022, 11:58:14 AM »
I find that having frequent chapters is easier for me to edit for TheArchive. The problem with having chapters posted is that many stories never get finished if the author doesn't feel that there is enough interest in the story to finish it, or more likely just doesn't feel motivated to complete it.

Having the story posted all at once has the advantage of having the complete story to read. The downside is that if it is a long story, like I and several others usually write, it can't be easily read all at one time. One advantage to finishing the story before posting it is that things can be changed so that the story flows smoother and details can be added and removed to make it better.

In my opinion, writing a story that the author is happy with and enjoyed writing is more important than writing a story to try to please everyone.

Online silver-moon-2000

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #57 on: 25. January 2022, 16:44:39 PM »
In my opinion, writing a story that the author is happy with and enjoyed writing is more important than writing a story to try to please everyone.

While I can't really argue with that logic, I feel that many authors may become discouraged, when there is (next to) no feedback.

And posting a story chapter-by-chapter simply gives more exposure to this story, as users of this forum will be reminded far more often.
If you post your story all in one heap, people might not see it. Case-in-point: I cannot remember reading your story, it completely passed me by.

Or they are not in the mood right now or simply - as you already said - might not have time at this very moment. And then they forget to come back.

My 2 Cents: I believe that posting chapter-wise is preferrable. Make of that what you will  ;D

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #58 on: 25. January 2022, 22:43:51 PM »
We (timeandbrace and myself) were sort of discussing this recently.... should we do The Dark Fairy in one go, or do it bit by bit.

Yes, you are 100% right, publishing it over a longer period does give more exposure, and if someone misses it today, then they get another reminder tomorrow, when the next bit gets posted.

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #59 on: 29. January 2022, 10:11:47 AM »
Thank you for your feedback on this.  It looks like posting it one chapter at a time is better.