
Author Topic: instructions for using database  (Read 6800 times)

Offline Marty

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instructions for using database
« on: 12. October 2003, 16:42:32 PM »
To find movies including special scenes, for example 'fixed braces' or 'removable brace', please use "Search"

I addet to all movies a special code:

Example: Search for "ineu ifemale Iremovable" [Switch to "Search for all terms"]
Find all new Movies with female Actor wearing removable Brace"

    New ==>

Removable Brace ==> Iremovable
Fixed Braces ==> Ifixed
Headgear ==> Iheadgear
Elastics ==> Ielastics
Off Topic ==> Iofftopic
type of braces unknown ==> Iunbekannt

male ==> Imale
female ==> Ifemale
cartoon ==> Icartoon
gender of actor unknown ==> Iunknown

 ==> Inotrated ==> Movie not rated
* ==> Ione ==> Braces can hardly be noticed and/or very short scenes
** ==> Itwo ==> Braces in one or more scenes, nothing special
*** ==> Ithree ==> Braces in several scenes and/or good shots of braces
**** ==> Ifour ==> Braces in many scenes, braces play an important part in the movie

German title unknown ==> Iger

Please post new movies for the database, film descriptions of the braces-scenes, actors wearing braces, additions or corrections in the following board:

Please post release dates (cinema, dvd, etc.), tv-dates or all about tv-series in this board:

Please not forgot the movie name in the 'Subject' of your message