
Author Topic: Can you help me describe and appliance??  (Read 4405 times)

Offline sodakdude

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Can you help me describe and appliance??
« on: 22. May 2017, 00:56:44 AM »

I just joined the forum and would like to ask for some help in describing an appliance when ordering from the on line shop.

What terms do you use to describe a device that would fit on top and bottom that would keep the mouth slightly open to allow breathing through the mouth, but would also have the top and bottom pieces joined so that when biting down on it would not allow the jaw to move form side to side??

I saw this pic on another post - does this do what I was describing??

Thanks for your input and suggestions!!

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Re: Can you help me describe and appliance??
« Reply #1 on: 22. May 2017, 03:55:50 AM »
That's a bionator I think.
I got one made probably about 12 years ago. It always looked like an interesting appliance to wear.
I have mentioned it a few times in past posts. Once it is in, there is no jaw movement at all. If I open my mouth it stays in position on my bottom teeth and the top plate and wire are clearly visible of course. As I close down on it, everything fits into place, just like a normal hawley retainer but the jaws are held in place.
Most people would think you were wearing top and bottom retainers with wires and you can speak quite well. You can drink but you can't eat of course.

Offline sodakdude

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Re: Can you help me describe and appliance??
« Reply #2 on: 22. May 2017, 20:37:35 PM »
thanks so much for the reply - i appreciate it.

Offline bracedm

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Re: Can you help me describe and appliance??
« Reply #3 on: 23. May 2017, 19:48:51 PM »
What you describe is rather an Activator than a Bionator.

The appliance on your picture is an Activator as well. In addition it has got lip & cheek shields.

Is that a real appliance?