It did take time but after all I think the order I'm about to place will make me very happy.
I've submitted a request through the contact us form to know if the following requests were possible
Upper Active plate including:
- Blue colour
- Thicker plate
- Plate covering the entire palate
- Bite plane
- A pearl to hold back the tongue
- Plastic coated labial bow in transparent clear colour.
Modified Twin-Block with pelottes and Telescope Apaliance including:
- plates colour red
- Plate covering the entire palate
- thick plates
- can the block be in clear colour?
- Pelottes top and bottom in clear colour
Vorschubdoppelplatte (bite jumping appliance) including:
- plates colour Green
- Thicker plates (I have the bottom modified stretching plate and very much like it thickness can you do as thick as this one for the bottom?)
- Plate covering the entire palate
- Biteplane (top and bottom)
- small plastic coated labial bow in transparent clear colour top and bottom
Will wait answer from the shop before moving to the next step.