This are other photo with headgear:* c e n s o r e d */gallery/7D1Kw5x
With my activator and the changes I had made, it is very difficult to breathe through the mouth.
I tried to plug my nose and just use my mouth. The air that passes is very little.
Speaking is impossible due to the extension of plaque to the lower teeth.
There are no openings on the front, the plate is completely closed.
You can't close your lips completely, because the pelottes move them out and take up space.
I also inserted the headgear using the cervical band and the highpull band at the same time.
I hooked the two bands to position number 6.
With this type of device it is impossible to eat and it is impossible to drink.
There is a lot of saliva and when you remove it, a lot of drool comes out of your mouth.
If you keep it snugly between your upper and lower teeth, you can't move your mouth up and down.
You can move your lips and tongue.
I had the pearl put on the inside of the device.
When you move your tongue you feel the pearl moving.
The pearl is not fixed, it has some movement and rotates.
One thing I am very happy with was the possibility to add the image of the soccer ball on the plaque.
It's nice to be able to customize the appliance.
One thing that I think would be worth trying: Put on this device, have your mouth gagged with the gray tesaband tape, have your hands tied behind your back and have your eyes blindfolded. Try to stay like this for about an hour and see how long you resist.
Maybe even get tickled in these conditions.
What do you think about this my crazy idea?