Thanks for the link.
The video is really interesting.
From the video and the underwritten notes I understand that the Frankel Appliances
1) are used on very young patients and not on adults
2) are loose in mouth, not they do not clasp on the upper jaw, so thaqt when you open mouth fro example for speaking they move inside the mouth
3) are worn FULL TIME for a long time
They are BIG and fill the mouth, also because they are somehow "elastic"
It definetely looks like one of the most impressive appliances ever! Maybe more or lesso like a twinblock!
It is pretty noticeable also with your lips shut, because they give youa sort of "squirrel loook" with ceeks full.
Despite the fact that they are inappropriate on adults, I'm curious to find how it feels inside my mouth!
I really cannot imagine how can you speak with it inside