
Author Topic: Interesting ortho visit  (Read 6841 times)

Offline caster72401

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Interesting ortho visit
« on: 06. September 2017, 17:24:52 PM »
Just to bring everyone up to speed, my wife and I both have full-mouth metal braces. I have had mine for about 28 months and my wife for around 22 months. At my last appointment my ortho said she was pleased and we could schedule to get them off. I really don't want them off because I feel my teeth are still to active, and I would like for them to be a lot more stable before I get them removed. However, my wife still has a pretty good amount of time to go, and my ortho actually said she would leave them on and we could get them off together! I never thought that would be an option, but I like it because I like braces. I'm not sure how much time that would lock me into them, but I like the thought o it!

Offline bradhov

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Re: Interesting ortho visit
« Reply #1 on: 07. September 2017, 03:46:02 AM »
keep us posted on how things progress and if you get to keep them on for a longer period of time.  I had hoped to have braves same time as my wife, but life got in the way and she is already done and I'm about to get started.  The ortho said she only had a few husband -wife combinations going through treatment at the same time and the office enjoyed when they both would come in for their adjustments together.

Offline caster72401

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Re: Interesting ortho visit
« Reply #2 on: 07. December 2017, 15:23:42 PM »
I've had a couple of ortho appointments since the last posts. At the one in September, they had removed the power thread which they had everything tied together with. So after a couple of months, gaps were opening up in a few different places. At that point they put 2 powerchains  on, 1 under the archwire and one over. That definitely closed the gaps, but it is one of my least favorite configurations. Things really get stuck more than you can imagine. With the gaps closed I was ready to get the double chains off nd go back to a single, but the ortho didn't see it that way! lol However, we did decide to just leave the braces on until my wife gets hers off, which is still not on the horizon yet, or at least it hasn't been discussed anyways. Ill go back in January, and have everything broke down to get a teeth cleaning and then put back on for another round!

Offline ortho218

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Re: Interesting ortho visit
« Reply #3 on: 14. January 2018, 21:19:00 PM »
seems like your orthodontist is very co-operative haha :) would be interested to hear an update!

Also I'm fairly new round here but have I missed a thread going over your general treatment?

Offline erin_wires

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Re: Interesting ortho visit
« Reply #4 on: 15. January 2018, 02:59:54 AM »
Wow that seems like the dream lol glad you got a good ortho!