
Author Topic: Less than 24 hours until braces...maybe  (Read 3398 times)

Offline ineedbraces25

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Less than 24 hours until braces...maybe
« on: 27. April 2023, 23:09:24 PM »
So update for anyone who is following. I’m scheduled to get braces on at 10am tomorrow. Today could be my last day without braces and I’m trying not to freak out.

But the thing is, I’ve been sick since Wednesday. Feel pretty fatigued and shitty (seems like a cold thing) so that’s been blocking some of my feels, and I don’t know how I’ll feel by tomorrow. If I don’t go tomorrow, it could be another 2-3 weeks. I’d be so bummed, my treatment is delayed, therefore surgery delayed, and I could lose momentum and doubt creeps in.

But the experience might not be that fun if I’m still sick. Depending how bad it is. I won’t feel my best or look my best, might be too tired to do anything after and enjoy it. It really isn’t ideal.

Fuck I don’t know what to do. Push through and get braces even if I’m still sick feeling tomorrow? Or cancel and then have to wait 2-3 weeks, potentially even more. It isn’t ideal of a situation :( what would y’all say?

Also the nerves of it actually happening are making me crazy, I can’t nap even though I’m tired and heart is racing. Really gotta calm down ugh.

Any thoughts appreciated !!

Offline somerandomfella

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Re: Less than 24 hours until braces...maybe
« Reply #1 on: 28. April 2023, 00:29:23 AM »
If you don't feel significantly better tomorrow, then I would reschedule. It's not fair to the techs who work in such close proximity to you. And you want to enjoy the experience to the fullest!

Offline FantaBrace

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Re: Less than 24 hours until braces...maybe
« Reply #2 on: 28. April 2023, 00:36:19 AM »
If you don't feel significantly better tomorrow, then I would reschedule. It's not fair to the techs who work in such close proximity to you. And you want to enjoy the experience to the fullest!


Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Less than 24 hours until braces...maybe
« Reply #3 on: 28. April 2023, 01:49:53 AM »
If you don't feel significantly better tomorrow, then I would reschedule. It's not fair to the techs who work in such close proximity to you. And you want to enjoy the experience to the fullest!

I get that yeah--I wont go if I'm really feeling bad or think I'm contagious. I will test again tonight to make sure its not Covid. I have gotten stress colds like this before that come and go fast, so I'm hoping it's just that (had an all nighter that took a toll on me).

If I feel a lot better tomorrow and its mild, I'd wanna try to go though because it could be 3-4 weeks before the next appointment which would delay surgery and stuff (on top of being a major bummer).  I'm not sneezing/coughing at all really, and I do wear an n95 in public plus all staff wears n95s and double masks and has strict hygiene if I'm feeling mostly better and confirmed its not covid, it shouldn't be a huge safety risk for them I feel.

I'll just have to see tomorrow

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Less than 24 hours until braces...maybe
« Reply #4 on: 29. April 2023, 03:59:13 AM »
Oh for anyone who didn’t see my other post. I felt much better better in the morning and went and got my upper braces on! Check the other posts for more :))