
Author Topic: Retainer from bracesshop - ok to wear all the time?  (Read 5853 times)

Offline andys

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Retainer from bracesshop - ok to wear all the time?
« on: 26. January 2014, 20:11:53 PM »
I've started using the retainer I ordered from the braces shop pretty often. It's only slightly noticeable, so I can get away with it in public without people noticing.

My question is - is there anything I should be concerned about? Could this mess up my teeth in some way? I only wear the headgear/facebow sometimes, since I know that can shift my teeth.

Offline simcaptain

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Re: Retainer from bracesshop - ok to wear all the time?
« Reply #1 on: 27. January 2014, 13:22:19 PM »
I've been wearing mine almost nightly for years - no ill effects so far. Mind you, the story might be different if we're talking 24-hour wear. It probably makes sense to keep an eye on the signs your teeth/jaw may give you and to give your teeth an occasional break from the retainer for a day or two.

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Offline andys

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Re: Retainer from bracesshop - ok to wear all the time?
« Reply #2 on: 27. January 2014, 22:18:12 PM »
Good to know. I don't think it will be all the time, as you said. Just at night, and some days (when I'm not around people I know who would notice).