About 6 years ago I had a bridge that was loose. I checked with an orthodontist about the possibility of having braces put on to close the gap where the bridge was. At that time the bridge had been in place for about 15 years. He told me that there would be surgery involved, and that even then I would not be satisfied with the end result. The gap was very close to the front and moving the teeth would not create a balanced look. After he had moved the teeth I would still need a crown on the tooth to make it look right. It would have been to costly to have all the work done.
Both my dentist and the orthodontist advised getting the bridge replaced, which is what I had done. After the bridge was replaced, my teeth began to shift. The old bridge had held the top teeth in the same place for that long. When the bridge came loose, they started moving a little. My bottom teeth rested against the back of the bridge, so they didn't move. My teeth in front had a small amount of height difference. After the bridge was replaced, my teeth had just enough room to shift slightly. I also had a couple of root canals done about the same time.
I started to notice a change in how I was chewing my food.
At the same time that this was going on, my wife went to her dentist to have a cavity filled. The dentist ended up cracking the tooth so badly he had to pull it. The choices we had were to leave the gap, put in an implant or bridge or get her braces to close the gap. We decided to go with braces because it would be cheaper than replacing a bridge a couple of times. We also didn't want to grind down healthy teeth if we didn't need to.
I went to see her orthodontist about what was happening to my teeth. Her orthodontist told me I would have to wait until my teeth had settled into their new positions before she would even consider doing anything. My dentist and my wife's orthodontist did give me a couple of temporary appliances to do some short term things to help. My dentist did try and talk me into just doing crowns and veneers , but that would not fix the problem only hide it. The orthodontist did talk about using invisalign at first, but I didn't want that because she was not sure about being able to do it without brackets at some point. At the time I was driving long haul truck, and she wasn't sure I could make all my appointments on time.
I changed jobs. We moved about 2 hours from where we were. I asked for referrals to new dentists and orthodontists near our new place. The new orthodontist was more willing to treat me.
I had some more dental work done, just replacing fillings and a very thorough cleaning.
My new orthodontist was confident that he could fix my teeth for me. He offered me several options. My choices were metal brackets, ceramic brackets or invisalign. I chose metal because I like the look, and it was a little cheaper.
It took over six years between the first time I talked to an orthodontist and I actually got braces.
Have patience, it will happen eventually.