
Author Topic: Taking the plunge...  (Read 34145 times)

Offline bradhov

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #60 on: 17. August 2017, 01:00:08 AM »
Congrats - did you get upper and lower both or just upper?
Look forward to seeing the pictures

Offline radian

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #61 on: 18. August 2017, 13:20:12 PM »
Great new ! So brave to get the metal brackets !

I want to do it. I visited several orthodontists but I could not take the decision yet, partly because of my job.

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #62 on: 18. August 2017, 14:04:52 PM »
If this is something you want, why go halfway?

If anyone is in doubt, go for it!!! There is pain but I even like that. I'm not a major masochist, I just like feeling the force and pressure of the braces on my teeth.

Like MikeB has been saying, most people don't notice. And if they are the kind of people who notice then they will notice clear.

I told my Facebook friends and family that the force needed for my problems was more than Invisalign or clear brackets could handle.

I hope this helps.

I'm making a gallery to hold my photos later.

Offline MikeB

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #63 on: 18. August 2017, 18:58:58 PM »
@radian -- I'll even amplify a little more: even when people notice, 95% of them simply don't care. It becomes a conversational blip, if that. "Oh, hey, you got braces," and then onto whatever they want to say (usually about themselves).

What about your job prevents you from getting braces? I do understand professional considerations in some positions. My wife had professional concerns, and didn't get her braces until she "retired."

Offline bradhov

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #64 on: 19. August 2017, 03:43:18 AM »
I know every field is different, but my wife is in a professional role and in front of people a lot of the time.  She had no issues and only had people comment a few times about having braves.  I met with a sales rep today at the office and he had metal braces on.   I never even brought it up and didn't affect things.  Like Mike aid, people notice, but it is really no big deal.  if you want braces, just go for it.

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #65 on: 19. August 2017, 03:54:14 AM »
I met with old friends today. Only one knew the braces were on. She said noting until finally she asked if they were on because she couldn't see them at all. Everyone said a quick good for you and it was over.

Do what makes you happy. My braces make me happy!

Offline radian

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #66 on: 26. August 2017, 14:58:44 PM »
thanks for your supports guys ! I will probably start a treatment soon.

How long is yours mrmajestic73 ?

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #67 on: 26. August 2017, 18:01:25 PM »
I will have my braces on for 20-24 months.

Things are going well. Pain is almost at zero for all teeth at all times. I have one tooth that must me outside of the arch because it is especially tender. The crossbite I have means my upper teeth are generally too far in but the archwire seems to be pulling the back teeth out and the others in.

The only other thing of note is that my one remaining baby tooth (a premolar) has no bracket on it. This means the wire goes across it and I can touch it with my tongue. I found that if I push it I can feel the end of the archwire moving in and out of the end of the molar band. It was innocent fun until I detached the wire from my molar band. It took me 20 minutes to work it back in.

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #68 on: 14. October 2017, 03:43:13 AM »
Finally an update! I got my first adjustment on Tuesday afternoon.

It was great to be in the office but they were too efficient: it was over too soon. I didn't get a chance to wait in the waiting room and see the other patients, they took me right back. I was in the second waiting room alone for another minute or two and they took me right back.

I went into a room where my old ligatures were removed and a new set of silver ligs we prepared. The ortho came back. He looked at my teeth and my old X-rays and said I would be moving from a .14 NiTi wire to a .16. He said I was doing so well that it was time to "turn up the heat".

The new wire and ligs were put on and I left. The pain was first. By the next day it felt like I was punched in the mouth. 3 days out and it has become more of a full pain.

My next adjustment is in 8 weeks on dec. 14th. Updates are on my Instagram. If you want to see more or know anything, ask.

Offline zaku1000

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #69 on: 18. October 2017, 17:51:54 PM »
Congrats for going through with all this.  Have always wanted to do something like this, but never really had the guts to go through with it, even though teeth could use a little improvement.  Maybe some day. 

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #70 on: 18. October 2017, 21:18:27 PM »
Zaku1000 it is worth it. Not only is there my personal enjoyment but the excuse to commiserate with other braces wearers on different platforms and not seem creepy. Go for it.

Offline MikeB

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #71 on: 18. October 2017, 21:23:16 PM »
Gotta agree with Mrmajestic on that. I've lost count of the number of braces stories I've heard told to my wife since she got her braces. Tons of people have started with, "Oh, I had braces back when I was..." or "I had crazy braces back in high school, headgear and everything..."

Offline bradhov

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #72 on: 19. October 2017, 02:31:00 AM »
Zaku - would echo the other comments.  go for it.  I as amazed on how many conversations got started when my wife got braces with others who have had or have braces.  All have been positive and haven't into anyone who has worn them as an adults who regretted having treatment.

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #73 on: 15. December 2017, 02:21:43 AM »
I went in for my second adjustment today. Waiting every 8 weeks sucked. I started in the waiting room seeing another office worker in her 20’s with braces installed. Then I went back and had a conversation with my favorite assistant also in full metal brackets.

I talked with the ortho who examined me and said not only would I be getting new wires on the top and bottom, but also start bringing my teeth together. The plan is to bring the front 4 together on both jaws and then the back together on either side. After they are together in groups, they will bring them all together.

I had all my ligatures removed. I was able to brush like a regular person while the wires were out. The brackets feel so much sharper without ligatures.

I was brave and went for colors this time. I asked for red and green. There is green power chain on the top (front 4) and red (front 4). They alternated red and green on the rest of the teeth.

I’ll update more later.

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Taking the plunge...
« Reply #74 on: 04. February 2018, 21:58:24 PM »
Another adjustment down. I went in last week (sorry, I’ve been busy). It was a good appointment. I met with the ortho who told me things were going well but I still have a long way to go. Yay!  She then explained that I need to bring together my bottom teeth a lot more. If we brought my top teeth together now I would have a pronounced underbite. She told me for now we would bring together the bottom teeth and then use elastics to work on jaw position. Double yay!

Amanda, my assistant buddy, removed my ligatures and wires.  I got figure 8 wires under my archwires in a few places to replace the the powerchains without losing any ground. I got green and black ligatures and chains for my Eagles. She told me that oli would have loops in my wires soon to close the gaps if she had her guess. Next appointment is at the end of February.
Remember you can see pics at Tin_man_80 on instagram. Or message me for pics if interested. Go birds!