
Author Topic: Two bites  (Read 2891 times)

Offline Bracesx3

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Two bites
« on: 12. July 2023, 18:02:01 PM »
So, after an initial consult with my orthodontist I embarked on what was supposed to be a 6 month long Invisalign journey. After initiating treatment, it was discovered I was allergic to Invisalign and had metal braces applied instead, being told treatment would still be 6 months. I had my metal braces (for the 3rd time) for 7 months,  but wasn’t having the issues like tongue thrust and my back teeth not all touching when I would bite down being addressed by my orthodontist to the point that he had scheduled to have my teeth de-banded at my next appointment. I was also developing TMJ pain that was completely disregarded, and was diagnosed with sleep apnea during this time. I ended up going to the maxillo-facial dentist/surgeon who removed my daughter’s wisdom teeth for help.
The first visit was amazing! He was able to determine that I had 2 different bites-one being forward that didn’t cause pain, and one being further back where the orthodontist wanted my bite even though my teeth didn’t touch and the inordinate amount of pain it was causing. My MF doc went so far as to call my orthodontist to consult with him to get my issues addressed. I went to my next orthodontist appointment and pointed out all the misalignment I still had, and he made some minor cosmetic adjustments, but wasn’t willing to address the elephant in my mouth. When I went to my next MF appointment, my doc told me he spoke with my orthodontist, and relayed that my ortho had no interest in fixing my problem. He recommended looking for a new orthodontist before my current treatment was complete so I would not have to go through the de-banding and bonding process again.
It took several months trying to find an orthodontist willing to accept a transfer patient within my valley. With the assistance of my MF doc consulting with the 2 out of 4 orthos willing to take my case, I found the right one.
12-14 months was added to my treatment time. My first appointment was scheduled to add brackets to the 6 molars that didn’t have them, and reposition some of the existing brackets. I sat in the dental chair with the technician. She removed my wires and was really concerned. The orthodontist came over to confer with the tech who showed her the wires that had been removed. The orthodontist examined my teeth, realizing that there were many brackets that had to be repositioned. As she was counting, she got to the 18th bracket and stopped. She looked at me and said, I’m sorry to do this, but we need to remove your braces and start over. There are just so many brackets that are misaligned on your teeth that it’s not worth repositioning them one at at time. Instead she decided to have the new brackets put on using indirect bonding trays, but it would take time for them to be made. 2 weeks later I was back in the chair having braces put on my teeth for the 4th time.
It’s been just over a month, and already I notice my back teeth leveling into a closer bite. I may need to undergo splint therapy to ease my TMJ and identify where my exact bite is for the best outcome. I’m also considering surgery once my orthodontic treatment is coming to an end for my sleep apnea. I’ve been miserable using a CPAP, and have a difficult time figuring out what to do when I go camping for any length of time. I admit that I have enjoyed having braces all this time. I’m in no hurry to have them removed, but want to also have the benefit of them fixing the problems I’m having.
On a side note, I recently found out my first orthodontist submitted to my insurance company that I would be receiving treatment for a full year while telling me 6 months. I’m angry to say the least, as his greed is costing me more money out of pocket, but I’m not sure if or how to pursue doing anything about it.
Thanks for taking an interest in my journey. I’ll keep you posted as to what transpires.