
Author Topic: Wife's braces journey  (Read 109532 times)

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #135 on: 07. December 2017, 00:11:16 AM »
Is she enjoying this more than she anticipated?

Offline MikeB

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #136 on: 07. December 2017, 01:21:06 AM »
I think so. She's well past the point of the braces being uncomfortable, save a little soreness after adjustments, and cleaning is just an accepted routine now. All the awkward little conversations with family and friends are in the rearview mirror, as well, so now there's really nothing to the braces except how much it pleases me. She observed a couple of weeks ago that we have sex way more often than we used to, and that's true. Frequency has probably doubled, and since she's basically insatiable, she's really been enjoying it. That may be a lot of the motivation for her -- and maybe not even so much the sex itself, but simply being found so desirable.

Offline MikeB

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #137 on: 22. December 2017, 22:23:47 PM »
We're off to Mexico for a few days, so if anyone is following the Flickr account, there won't be any updates until we return next week. I'll try to take lots of pics while we're south of the border, especially since this will in all likelihood be Carrie's only Christmas in braces.

To everyone who celebrates: Merry Christmas from Carrie and me!

Offline bradhov

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #138 on: 23. December 2017, 02:22:51 AM »
Enjoy Mexico - merry Christmas to you, too!

Offline MikeB

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #139 on: 03. January 2018, 00:39:17 AM »
Well, we had a great time in Mexico over Christmas, and fortunately there were no orthodontic incidents or issues! I only got a (very) few sightings of Mexican women in braces, though, so maybe that's actually more common among Latinas here in Arizona than in Mexico. We also had a fun time on NYE, and I put a bunch of pictures from that night on the Flickr album.

Carrie also did a video "review" of DentaKit's Braces Survival Kit over the weekend. I just put that up on YouTube here:

Her next adjustment is January 11th, and she's expecting elastics at that appointment. She's also begun talking seriously about ways to extend her treatment so she can wear braces longer. Anyone have ideas beyond postponing adjustments and poor elastic compliance?

Offline Thelog

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #140 on: 03. January 2018, 02:20:22 AM »
That's cool that Carrie is talking about ways to lengthen treatment, I guess she appreciates how happy her tinsel teeth make you!
My wife has been in braces since Oct '13, she hasn't had an appointment in 2 years now. As well as the obvious of postponing appointments, what really slowed down her treatment was that the orthodontist gave her short sections of powerchain to change each week to close her premolar extraction gaps. She found this difficult and fiddly, basically she pretty much never changed them and the gaps were incredibly slow to close. Now, with no powerchains in 2 years, the gaps are around 5mm (top and bottom, left and right).
Her 6 front upper and lower teeth are in twisted wire ligature wire so they aren't going anywhere, though I am amazed that she hasn't popped a bracket or anything. Despite the lack of ortho visits, her braces are in perfect condition. I do miss her (semi) regular appointments, it is fun seeing the new hardware added to her mouth and getting to explore that.

Good luck!

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #141 on: 03. January 2018, 02:36:26 AM »
If you are willing to put a little more money into her teeth, just ask the ortho to extend the treatment. Most ortho's should be willing to add appointments if they are still making money. Ask your Dr. how much he/she will charge you. They all base the treatment costs on the length of time and the number of appointments. Most of the cost is not in the materials used, it is the cost of the building and employees.

Braceface 2015

Offline radian

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #142 on: 03. January 2018, 11:18:55 AM »
Really good news for both of you that she thinks to extend her treatment time ! Is she beginning to appreciate to have them or is it just a way to satisfy your request ?

Offline Embracer

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #143 on: 03. January 2018, 13:57:06 PM »
I would have thought it unethical for an orthodontist to extend treatment time beyond what is properly needed, although there must be a significant margin as to what constitutes "finished."  Braces do leave ones teeth in a somewhat vulnerable state and should not really be worn for longer than clinically required. But I would think you and Carrie will have plenty of scope for extending your fun with carefully chosen retainers!

Offline MikeB

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #144 on: 03. January 2018, 18:54:01 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions! I appreciate them.

@Braceface2015 - I paid for Carrie's braces in full before she began treatment. There was an estimate of time in braces (15-18 months), but that was it. I think if she just postpones several appointments, and perhaps doesn't comply 100% with elastic wear, we could probably stretch her to two years without much trouble.

@radian - She appreciates them in the context of how happy her treatment makes me, but she doesn't have any particular appreciation for them herself. However, she did comment that having braces just wasn't a big deal anymore, and she barely even notices them except when cleaning her teeth. As far as other people, as she put it, "everyone who would comment on my braces has already seen them."

@Embracer - I definitely wouldn't ask her ortho to do anything unethical or harmful. I doubt, however, that the difference between 18 months and two years in braces would really affect the (excellent) health of her teeth. Many people wear braces for two years and often well beyond with no ill effects. I do intend to get Carrie both Hawley and Essix retainers once her active treatment is complete, however, with specific rules for the wearing of each.  >:D

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #145 on: 03. January 2018, 19:15:27 PM »
The teeth are most at risk will they are being moved. That is when the roots are being affected. After they are in the final position, the braces really are no different than a fixed/bonded retainer. The orthodontist really treats the patient for the minimum length required to do the work needed. In theory, there really is no maximum amount of time a person could have braces. There may be some issues with cavities if a person doesn't brush enough or a build up of plaque between the teeth, but having a regular dental cleaning can take care of those issues. Back when bands where the normal thing, treatment time was longer then it is now with the the improved techniques in use.

I have talked with my orthodontist about the length of my own treatment. He has said that he was willing to spend a bit longer treating me. There are always very minor things an ortho can fix.

Offline MikeB

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #146 on: 11. January 2018, 18:12:31 PM »
Carrie's next appointment is in a few hours. She's expected to get elastics at this one, and probably an archwire change. She expressed some nervousness about the elastics last night ("I don't want to get rubber bands!"), but I'm sure she'll be fine with them.

As usual, I'll capture some video and post it to YouTube.

Offline mr-metal

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #147 on: 11. January 2018, 18:23:02 PM »
Looking forward to seeing it!! Hopefully with elastics!

Offline radian

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #148 on: 11. January 2018, 18:59:18 PM »
Let us know  if the elastic part has begun !

Offline MikeB

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Re: Wife's braces journey
« Reply #149 on: 12. January 2018, 18:04:31 PM »
It was a very interesting adjustment! Let's break it down:


She got new archwires top and bottom. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to determine the gauge. The top archwire looks more rectangular. I'll study that further. I was too excited yesterday for a really close inspection.

She stayed with silver ligatures, which she knows is my preference.

She got Class II elastics. They run from her upper canines to her rearmost brackets (the hooks on the buccals). She was issued "medium" strength, but the ortho promised heavier elastics next time. There was already commiseration from the ortho tech and the ortho about how sore the elastics are going to make her teeth.

The ortho tech was a very attractive young Latina with metal braces, pink ligs, and elastics. She mentioned she'd been in braces for over three years because she'd been non-compliant and skipped three months of appointments!


The ortho referred to these archwires as her "second to last."  :(

She's in more pain than she's been since she first got her braces, and took ibuprofen for the first time in months. Fortunately, this hasn't stopped her from performing interesting oral activities, both yesterday and this morning.  >:D


She had a heck of a time putting in the elastics the first time. It was pretty funny, and I captured it on video. I'm going to put it on YouTube as a separate bonus vid in addition to the normal adjustment video.

I had her take some selfies in the car right after her appointment, so she made some silly faces and snapped pics. The pics are in the Flickr album:

After the appointment, we went home and celebrated with some champagne and other interesting activities.