

What would you choose if you have to get an orthodontic treatment IN YOUR REAL LIFE ?

fixed metal braces
189 (69.5%)
clear braces
14 (5.1%)
clear on top / metal on bottom
26 (9.6%)
lingual braces
11 (4%)
13 (4.8%)
15 (5.5%)
do not know
4 (1.5%)

Total Members Voted: 265

Author Topic: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult  (Read 50692 times)

Offline radian

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #30 on: 16. November 2018, 17:45:32 PM »
Thanks for your advice.

Any other opinion ?

Offline domreuter

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #31 on: 16. November 2018, 18:29:11 PM »
Hi Radian,

just to add - from distances where you don't recognise clear braces as braces, clear braces often look like dirty or damaged teeth. If you come close enough to the braces wearer to see that's it's not damaged teeth, you see that it's clear braces. So you only have to decide - if you want to hide your braces, forget it and choose all metal. If you're goal is that you prefer the look of clear braces over the look of metal braces to be seen on you, then choose clear upper braces. My personal opinion - I would choose full metal.

Good luck for your braces journey ;-)


Offline Braceletta

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #32 on: 14. February 2019, 21:34:56 PM »
Old-fashioned Hawley style active hawleys if possible. Everything else is visible (even invisalign attachments with the aligners out), and lingual give you a lisp - so want something I can take out for meetings with clients and have nobody be the wiser, and then put back in.

Offline Neverbeenbraced81

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #33 on: 02. May 2019, 17:04:41 PM »
I'm in the same situation.

I'll start treatment next week.

I have been thinking about the type of braces I want since November 2017.
I have considered my life every day, what my girlfriend, who also wear braces, would say, what the kids would say, and not least the job. I have daily contact with many people in my job, so I'm not really sure.
But after a brief with ortho, he told me it was just the usual metal braces was the only option for my treatment. He asked if it was a problem for me.

Since then, until February of this year, I have thought, considered and asked my girlfriend about her treatment and how she has dealt with it.
She already has metal brackets.
Since I was a teenager, I have liked braces , all different kind of types.
Particularly metal brackets..

Shiny metal on a man of 38?
LOL ????????

On the following Monday, it happens.
I really not sure, what kind of feeling i have..

But I'm bit scary.

Offline libtech

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #34 on: 03. May 2019, 12:44:45 PM »
Best of luck to you buddy and im sure you will not regret your decision in regards to that deep passionate feeling of which we all share on this forum! Fulfill that moment and emBRACE it to the fullest... ; )

Offline radian

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #35 on: 03. May 2019, 16:50:33 PM »

Good luck for the metal. As you do not have the choice, it is really easier to accept it.

Offline Neverbeenbraced81

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #36 on: 04. May 2019, 02:08:01 AM »
Thanks guys.
I'am really sure that i need that  :) :)

This week has been serious nervously.
For now, it is just three days to monday.

I'm surely not ready for this, but at same time, it would be great to fix the teeth as well.

I have thought more about the clear braces.
I asked my girlfriend, about her braces.. If she could make a choice of wich kind of braces she would have.

She got clear brackets and metal brackets to choose about.
She didnt think about it. For her, it was just metal brackets in mind.

Why, i thought?

I've asked her. Why not choose the clear braces?

She had spoke to a friend of her about braces, and the upcoming treatment. The friend had told her to not choose the clear brackets, of two reasons.

One of the reason was the price. It cost a while more here in Norway.

The second reason, was that clear brackets could be dirty, like a yellowed thing, that was not possible to clean, the only option was to change brackets at next wisit??

Does anybody here know something about that? Is that true, or is it just a story?

I can't choose, so for me it is just a question, that i wondering?

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #37 on: 04. May 2019, 02:33:53 AM »
Clear brackets don't actually stain, it is the clear ligatures that stain, unless you eat something that is going to change the colour of your teeth as well. The ligatures get changed every appointment.

As for the visual look, The clear brackets are less visible than metal, and in a lot of cases aren't really that noticeable until a person is close to you. The thing with that is people are more likely to take a much longer look at your mouth while they try to figure out what is 'wrong' with your mouth. With metal brackets, people are able to see that you have braces and just not bother taking a closer look, unless they happen to like the look of braces.

The archwire for both types of braces is the same, although many times the orthodontist will use a white coated wire with clear brackets. Either way the wire will be one of the more noticeable parts of the braces.

In my opinion, if you have braces, they are for the purpose of correcting the bite and it doesn't matter if people see them. Most people won't care and they only person it will really matter to is you. Treat it like jewelry and show it off. It is probably the single most expensive piece of jewelry you will ever buy.

For me, part of the braces experience was being able to change the colour of the ligatures and power chains each visit. If you are worried about maintaining a professional appearance, just stick to plain colours such as silver, grey, white and clear. Even black and dark blue are fine although they do stand out a bit more.

Offline Neverbeenbraced81

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #38 on: 04. May 2019, 02:51:08 AM »
Thanks for the outfilling information.  :D

As i wrote, i wont be able to choose what kind of braces i would get.

I'm definately not ready for this, so far.
But, the days count slowly down.

Thanks for support as well ;)

Offline radian

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #39 on: 07. May 2019, 21:41:24 PM »
My braces has been put on recently and I chose ceramic on top and metal on bottom (for now, I Just have top ones). I could not assume the fact of having a silver smile for 1 year or more, especially beacuse of my job.

I nearly immediately regretted this choice because ceramic braces are big and uncomfortables. They clearly are very discrete, invisible from far distance, very difficult to see closer for someone who is not paying attention but they are quite visible for observant people.

And after all, I think most of people don't care if you have braces or not so no matter if they are visible or not.

Offline Neverbeenbraced81

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #40 on: 09. May 2019, 09:56:10 AM »
I,ve got my braces at monday.

The ortho,showed me the ceramic brackets. They was very big.
So, i can imagine that would be uncomfortable to wear.

I've got my silver smile, on both upper and lower jaws.

That is the fact for the next year or so, maybe one and a half year, so i just have to got used to it, even thoug the job.

I'm totally agree with you.
Most people dont care. Both if you got braces, and the visibility of the braces.

Offline stinkfut

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #41 on: 02. November 2019, 02:44:10 AM »
So I'm late to this thread but I'm faced with this same decision.  I'm 42 and landed myself a new job with excellent health coverage that covers most of the cost of braces.

As a kid I had braces, headgear and tongue crib, and I hated it.  When it was over I didn't wear my retainers like I should have and now my teeth have slid halfway back.  Now when I bite my front four teeth touch before my molars do.  And it's continuing to push my top front teeth back forward.  My lower canines are especially pushed forward and crowded.  I have some consult appointments next week to at least get fitted for new retainers to stop more movement.  But I'm also seriously considering full braces again.   I've secretly wanted them for the longest time and couldn't afford them until now.  Like OP my concerns are social.  My wife and kids don't even know I'm thinking about braces again, I can't imagine how they will react.  And my new job requires me to speak regularly.  At first I was thinking Invisalign, or metal on the bottom and ceramic on top like OP.  Radian now that you've had them for 6 months, what are your thoughts?  Ceramic doesn't seem much different than metal.  When I see clear braces on someone I'm never fooled.  I'm leaning toward full metal, especially after reading this thread. 

Offline libtech

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #42 on: 03. November 2019, 04:21:35 AM »
To be honest with you 'stinkfut', talk with your wife and kids even though I dont have kids and have never been married with exception of a very long term beautiful relationship with an ex girlfriend who dealt with me having to get full metal ones for an extensive jaw surgery, but im sure she will most likely be okay with it as the kiddos most likely will and if so definately get the full metal ones. I say this because during certain moments while having them they will bug you ovcasionally but there are those other moments which make up for the prodominant time of /y'ct hr treatment where you will enjoy them VERY VERY much and these moments I am pretty sure your wife will highly enjoy whether or not you exploit your affinity you have for braces toward her or not. You wont regret getting full metal I guess is what I am saying!!!

Offline Saskia

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #43 on: 22. November 2019, 17:42:58 PM »
Hi there,

I'm still in doubt if I will choose for the ceramic brackets on the top. I'm 42 and I'm having a bonded rpe in my upper jaw because of a severe posterior crossbite . In 1 - 2 months I will get fixed braces on the top and later on on the bottom as well as elastics. The ceramic braces aren't that visible from a distance but they are bigger. Hmmm I guess I need some advise...

Offline bugbathe43

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #44 on: 23. November 2019, 22:18:35 PM »
I’ve had braces twice, the first was over 25 years ago and my orthodontist used full metal bands and the second time I had metal on top and bottom. I prefer metal the orthodontist I go to would rather use metal on adults. Because our teeth are harder to move.