
Author Topic: vacation (2015) 3 STARS  (Read 2685 times)

Offline Braceface2015

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vacation (2015) 3 STARS
« on: 12. January 2017, 09:13:31 AM »

Limks to the movie is

The Griswold family take a trip to wallyworld. Their car is an import with lots for unusual features. There trip has a number of mishaps along the way.

The teen male actor wears fixed ceramic braces  throughout the movie. There are several decent scenes showing his braces although you need to watch carefully to see the braces.

The movie is a lite comedy, and well worth watching for more than the braces scenes.

I gave the movie a 3 starr rating for braces content The braces do play a minor part of the movie.

3 stars
male teen with fixed ceramic braces.